Sunday, November 1, 2009

ahhh experimenting with supplemental weft with my at home loom.
what do you think his name should be? im thinking niles. in honor of it being a nilus leclerc?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

FINALLY got the loom that i bought back in may from mica up and running! the problem was i did not have money for a dent reed, warping board, bobbins, shuttles, winder, etc etc etc, but while im in school i can check all these things out. SO i warped on and brought it home and threaded and now im realllly excited.   !
the warp you are seeing is for 2 plaid and yellow scarfs. 1 foe Di[e]ce boutique and one for the mica art market! 

that is unless YOU want one :D  100% woooool.

Monday, September 7, 2009

STILL COLONIZING. not colons. colonies. colonizing colons. thats something to certainly think about

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Sunday, August 30, 2009

AH ive been so busy. busy for summer, anyway.

for starters, the pieces that I made at Penland are now for sale at Diece Boutique in Federal hill. Yayayaya! 
The opening was last night, and I sold one! yay! the pink and white fulled double weave. To a reporter. the owner said she was going to put me in my article. im stoked, pretty much, duh.
school starts tomorrow! ah! 

Schedule, you ask?
Arts of Native America
Surface Resist
Dream Workshop
Woven Imagery

And I got a job, finally. I clean rich bitch's houses. 
And I got a car, finally. Its a 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra.  Yea. for the classy old lady in all of us. it was $750. hahaha.

AND Im moving back into the city in October! ah ah ah ah! my nightmare is almost over and I am becoming a real person again. 

Oopssss I missed my jury duty.