Monday, January 12, 2009

my new glove(s)! ive already started making the second one so that i know i wont put it off. i dont really like them and dont know if ill ever wear them, but atleast it was something to do right?

theyre sized for a girl so they dont really fit. theyre supposed to be arm warmers but i suppose theyre palm warmers. I really really missed knitting and i havent done any of it because of my lack of money and because after my house was broken into i was too afraid to be in it for a little while.
and now i have to go back to school next week and ill have to put off knitting basically until summer. im really depressed about it. theres so much i could be doinnnng. but i really just dont have time while in school. oh well. Instead, ill be making weavings and silkscreenings and ....constructin material in my material construction class....thats not a bad trade off.


Anonymous said...

silkscreen! yeah! I feel ill. I might not be at work today..

Emma Quinn said...

Those are cute. Silkscreening will be fun! And your hair is cute like that. Also keep shaving your face it is a good look.

lindsey said...

do you have a ravelry account? We need to be friends!