Sunday, March 22, 2009

ok, "official" pictures, finally. i have been mega busy. and i still am. My weaving is due tomorrow at 4, i feel like im...halfway done, and i have work until 7. itll happen, i swear. 
SO posted are one of my prints, and a weaving in progress picture. the weaving is a yard wide, approximately. uh, not sure how long it is, but its atleast 3 yards, when its was supposed to be 5, dont know if thats happening yet....
i have two other prints that i had to do over spring break, theyll be posted some day. i will probably so excited to get this weaving off of the loom and take 20 pictures of it, so probbly i will post later this week. 

Annet Cowenberg really wants me to go to Portugal this summer with the fibers summer travel intensives. I mean, I really do too, but not for $5000. Not sure whats going on with that yet, i am applying tomorrow though. I also applied for Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina. For a class with Joy boutrup and Catherine Ellis, called Weaving & Finishing: Hand and machine. I hope I can go. If they are both a yes (which is like a 20% chance right now), then that will be my entire summer,
and on the +, if i am in different places I will not have to find a place to live until august. 

I really like Architecture in Helsinki. Have you heard them? Also I am deathly excited for Far, Regina Spectors new album, coming out in June. I will have to admit that I was not pleased with Begin to Hope so much. But I have to be optimistic. Regina brings back great memories and she used to be my favorite back in high school times. Lately whenever I hear her music I have to roll my eyes. But, we'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dain, that print is so odd, I mean that in a good way. It reminds me of your bad kitties weaving, but a happier, more 70s version. I can see the sort of "cute" (and maybe kitsch- at least for this piece) theme you were working with last semester. Also, interesting colors. I think they add to the decades-old feeling I'm getting.
Also, if you go to Portugal, pack me in your suitcase or something. I desperately want to go, but I have to make some money. Ugh.