Thursday, December 11, 2008

i know i know, really really bad at keeping up with said blog. just wanted to post some pictures up,
maybe chat it a little..
this is my double cloth weaving project! Im really really happy with it, ill have some really good pictures someday, but today is not that day.

P.s. double cloth takes fucking forever. so planned 3 yards probably turned into a little over 1. 20" wide though.

mine was one of the bigger in class, i think. it takes so long! i dont know if it was worth it.
it didnt turn out as cute as i wanted.
i call it Kitty Vices. its all about kitties doing horrible things, notice detail shots.

I want to make this a more life-y blog but i dont know, my lifes not interesting because its just school and work, which are not that interesting right now.

i could talk a little about the latest books i bought. Urban outfitters is so horrible. like what a horrible company. but. i will say that they have some god books sometimes. well i bought this book called Illustration play. I mean.
I guess the problem with these books is that they all have the same artists!
I really love:

Megan Whitmarsh,
subversive cross-stitching
sublime stitching,
and knitta

but i swear they are in every single "craft-y" book ever.

and i cant decide where i stand on the toping of craft vs. art (not the fair, the actual topic).
like...I really like the idea of craft, it makes a lot of sense and it reminds me of WWII. which is adorable. and also it makes a lot of sense in the
-economic climate- or whatever. 

by the way, this
-economic climate- like...i dont know. i know that its a real issue and like its serious and everything,
but. doesnt anyone, ANYONE consider that maybe maybe maybe its just a little bit of a hype?  mean i know for sure that its there but is it there to the extent that everyones making it out to be? im not denying it, i just really dont know that much and when i watch the news i get depressed so i dont. that happens a lot in baltimore.

speaking of economy, i bought an umbrella today. i didnt want to, but i walked home in the rain yesterday and was soaked, and i didnt want to do it again today, + i had to go straight to class. matched my coat and rain boots. i looked cute today, just an f.y.i.

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