Monday, December 29, 2008

well my house was broken into [again] , on christmas. and my new vacuum cleaner and new bedsheets were stolen.
so i guess it was a bad start to winter break. 

im going to start knitting stuff next week, when i have money for yarn (because a rat ate all of my yarn)
-yes, my house really is that bad.

i also have to start prepping for the weaving show next month, its exciting but i dont need that responsibility. i have to make a book to match the entries on the ikat piece i did about my cat. and i have to make a ramp- its 5 yards long, and it starts on the wall and curves onto the floor-
so theres going to be a stretcher, but also a ramp, that matches the wall. its gonna be coooool.

so after new years (im going to get plastered because i havent since summer),
im really going to make this a productive break.
but i had my first day off today since break started, where i havent had to do anything and its been amazing. 

i got a B+ in sculpture. i really did think i was going to do really bad.  the photo is my sculpture final. its called Baltimore 1994.
the image isnt good, but theres a lamp post on the left and a rat on the right. theres a plush natty boh beer can and the center is quilted. i dunno.

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