Tuesday, December 16, 2008

im done sculpture and weaving! till mid-january.

i didnt go to sleep sunday night, and finished my sculpture installation. but it wasnt that great, i didnt think. my teacher liked it, so whatever.
id post photos but im too lazy.

and then my weaving meeting or whatever. So we're having a weaving show, opening January 31st. Im really really excited.  my teacher said i could put both of my weavings into it. 

we're going to have a loom set up in the middle of the gallery and weave through the show.

so now i just have to finish with drawing(embroidery),  (and throw in a few papers ug.)

im going to be knitting a lot a lot during break so starting this weekend, youre going to be seeing a lot more intarsia and a lot more lace on this bitch, yo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you better start posting more work/pictures