Sunday, December 21, 2008

"WOW! those plots are bigger and deeper than ever! the new george forman grill."

i want to talk more about me. is that so bad.

I really like chocolate. i dont know when this started, but i think when i stopped eating meat i substitutes it for sugar. 

the two things i want the most for christmas are a loom and another cat. honestly thats really really what i want. i already have Cleo but honestly the second cat is not so much for me as it is for her. she needs someone to keep her company during the day! 

and i want a loom so that i can use it for weaving for everyday stuff. like clothes. honestly, i really want to start making useful things that are not art. and then ill have my loom at school for school projects. i dont care if its a table or floor loom. it just needs to be at least  4 harnesses.

i know im not getting either one of these things. because my roommate is allergic to cats (cleo stays over william's right now)
and looms are expensive and no one that is buying me things can afford one. including me. so. the end.

this is King Ken. Thanks Ace. 

i keep listening to kanye west. is that so bad.
i want a car too.

i feel guilty about it because it the wrong time to want a car. but im tired of walking and buses...

and i want to decide some times that i want to go places like silver spring and dc and like...uh towson. and have it not take two hours to get there. you know! but im not getting a car. atleast not until graduation. then there are no promises.

1 comment:

Emma Quinn said...

If you want to go to Towson and DC and stuff I have a car mm-hmm.